OSCE observers visit an air base and another military facility
Representatives of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) are on a visit to the Republic of Serbia. There is a total of 43 observers – representatives of 26 OSCE participating States, an OSCE partner country, and the Centre for Security Cooperation RACVIAC.
At the welcome meeting in the Guards Club in Topcider, the guests were welcomed by Lieutenant Colonel Vlastimir Milovanovic, Head of the Verification Centre and Peter Van den Broeck, who heads the Benelux Arms Control Agency.
Nenad Neric, State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence, spoke about the reform of the defence system, Branimir Filipovic, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, about some aspects of the security policy of the Republic of Serbia, Major General Vojin C. Jondic, Head of Operations Department, presented the organization and functioning of the Serbian Armed Forces. Then followed assistant commanders of the Army and the AF&AD for Operations – Colonels Slobodan Stopa and Milan Popovic and Head of the Verification Centre.
During the visit to Nis, the representatives of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) visited the Mija Stanimirovic barracks and Nis military airport. During the visit, the OSCE delegation will make a tour of the Morava Airport in Ladjevci.
In accordance with Article 20 of the Vienna Document 2011, each participating country organizes this kind of visit at least once in any period of 5 years.
The Verification Centre was established as a Department for Arms Control of the Yugoslav Armed Forces General Staff on 1 August 1996, after the signing of the Agreement on Sub-Regional Arms Control in Florence, in accordance with the provisions of Article IV Annex 1B of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Dayton Peace Agreement).