Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Military athletes seen off to the Military World Marathon Championship

Војни атлетичари испраћени на Светско војно првенство у маратонуOn the occasion of the departure of Serbian military athletes to the 48th World Military Marathon Championship, which this year takes place in Italy, a seeing off ceremony has been organised at the Sports Centre of the Military Academy, today. Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic wished the military marathon athletes success in the upcoming competition expressing hope that the team will have sports luck to win one of the medals.
At the 48th World Military Marathon Championship, which takes place from 30th September to 3rd October in Turin, the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces will be represented by a four-member men's team composed of Lieutenant Colonel Nenad Milosavljevic, Major Aleksandar Nesevski, Captain Blazo Maksimovic and Corporal Miroslav Markovic while the women's team consists of Lieutenant Nevena Jovanovic, Corporal Natasa Culafic, Corporal Marijana Cegar Lukic and Ksenija Bubnjevic.
Members of the military national team of the Republic of Serbia in marathon were addressed by Brigadier General Sinisa Radovic, Head of the Delegation of the Republic of Serbia to the International Military Sports Council (CISM), who thanked Minister Djordjevic and the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces for the selfless support in the implementation of activities from the CISM programme.
The event at the Sports Centre of the Military Academy was attended by Commandant of the Military Academy, Major General Goran Zekovic with his associates.