Period: 01.01.2016 - 23.02.2025
Total number of records: 1912
The greatest problem of the world is not economy, or terrorism, nor climatic changes. The only, almost unresolvable problem of the world is disappearance of international law. Lack of clear rules ...
Today, an official ceremony was held in National Library Veljko Petrović in Bačka Palanka to mark 150th anniversary of the librarian work of that area, which that library continues to cherish.
- The biggest security challenge for the Republic of Serbia, apart from the attempts to create a Greater Albania, is the ideology according to which Serbs are important only when they live in Serbia ...
Serbia led by President Vučić recovered, but international law did not
We did not and will not allow the revision of history. We will not allow re-creating of the past to justify the events of the nineties in our country, nor agree that all victims are the same. We are ...