Period: 01.01.2016 - 12.03.2025
Total number of records: 8247
Today an analysis of the logistical support of the Serbian Armed Forces in 2017 was held in the barracks Topčider. The analysis was attended by Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces ...
Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin met today the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Serbia Alexander Chepurin.
Considering the concept of development of the Military High Vocational School, or the education of NCOs for the duties in the units of the Serbian Armed Forces, was the topic of a meeting which ...
Late this evening, the members of the sixth contingent of the Serbian Armed Forces, who were engaged in the previous six months on providing medical care for the personnel in the UN mission in the ...
- This is a year when the world bids farewell to the memories of the First World War in an organised, serious and loud way. In the previous four years Serbia once again relived its history, its ...