Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia



Period: 01.01.2016 - 27.09.2024

Theme: Covid-19

Total number of records: 147

18 Apr 2020
Mobile teams of the Serbian Armed Forces’ CBRN Units and the military experts of the NBC Units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have worked together for the first time today in the City ...
16 Apr 2020
CBRN units of the Serbian Armed Forces continue their engagement in implementing measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19 throughout Serbia, said Major Milan Gujanica, spokesman for the Ministry of ...
16 Apr 2020
The Minister of Defence and the Head of the Working Group on Migration, Aleksandar Vulin, visited the Reception Centre in Obrenovac today, where capacities for the accommodation of migrants were expanded, and a new facility ...
15 Apr 2020
The construction of a new hospital intended for the treatment of patients infected with coronavirus will be completed in six days at the Karaburma Military Medical Centre, the Minister of Defence Aleksandar ...
14 Apr 2020
Thanks to people of good will and their humanity, for patients with a mild clinical presentation of the coronavirus disease in temporary hospitals at the Belgrade Fair, the Novi Sad Fair, in the “Čair” Hall in ...