Minister of Defence extends greetings on the Movement & Transport Service Day and Technical Service Day
Greetings for Movement & Transport Service Day
I extend to all members of the Movement & Transport Service my best wishes as they celebrate 15th September – the Day of the Service.
Continuing a tradition of more than a century, when in 1908, King Petar I Karadjordjevic issued a Decree establishing the Movement and Transport Service, with active and full engagement of both members of your services and means of transport, in the past year, you confirmed that the logistical support of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces is viable and functional.
I extend my best wishes for your holiday, with the desire that you continue to develop your service in the forthcoming period and perform the set tasks professionally and responsibly, thus giving full contribution to the operational and functional capability of both the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence.
Greetings for the Technical Service Day
I extend to all members of the Technical Service my best wishes as they celebrate 15th September – the Day of the Service.
Continuing a tradition of almost one hundred twenty-five years, by mastering the production of ammunition for Mauser rifles and reconstruction of the line for infantry ammunition, which contributed to the development and modernization of the former Serbian military industry, in the past year you accomplished your tasks from the logistical function well and successfully and, by your professional attitude to work, you have managed to raise the level of operational and functional capabilities of both the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence.
Convinced that in the forthcoming period you will continue to carry out the set tasks professionally and make a full contribution to the improvement of your services and logistic support of the defence system, I congratulate you on your holiday.