Reception of the youngest second lieutenants in units of the Serbian Armed Forces

In the Military Club of the Serbian Armed Forces in Nis, in the presence of a part of commanding officers of the command and subordinate units of the Army, the youngest second lieutenants were addressed by the Army Commander, Lieutenant General Milosav Simovic. General Simovic wished the second lieutenants assigned to the units of the Army a lot of success in their work on the first officer's duties.
The second lieutenants assigned to the units of the Air Force and Air Defence were welcomed by deputy commander of this service branch, Brigadier General Dusko Zarkovic, with a part of the most responsible commanding officers of the Command and Air Force and Air Defence units.
In Topcider barracks, reception for the youngest officers was organized by Lieutenant General Djokica Petrovic, Commander of the Training Command, with members of his Collegium. General Petrovic congratulated the second lieutenants on their successful completion of schooling and gave them advice and directions for the period of adjustment that is ahead of them, and further work in the units of the Training Command.
Guard Commander Major General Milomir Todorovic, welcoming the new guardsmen, told them that they are expected to complement and reinforce the theoretical knowledge they gained at the Military Academy in the forthcoming period with the practical experience gained through training and work in the oldest and elite unit of the Serbian Armed Forces.
The second lieutenants assigned to initial duties in the Signal Brigade, Centre for Command and Information Systems and the Centre for Applied Mathematics and Electronics, were received by Brigadier General Predrag Simovic, Chief of the Department for Telecommunications and IT of the General Staff, while the youngest officers deployed in the Central Logistics Base were received by the commander of that unit, Brigadier General Peter Latkovic.
With a message to young second lieutenants to always adhere to the motto "Honour and knowledge are the strongest weapons of soldiers", General Latkovic stressed that this was a great day for the base because it has received a significant staff reinforcement.