General Dikovic with cadets of the 137th class of the Military Academy
Addressing future officers, general Dikovic particularly referred to the security trends and challenges we face today, and stressed that officers have always been expected to sacrifice themselves, and that the uniform which they proudly wear shall be binding on them only for the things that are moral, cultural and nice.
- If it were not so, the Serbian Armed Forces would not be the most thrusted by the people of our beloved Serbia, today, because the officer has been the embodiment of everything good and characterized by honour, perseverance and honesty – General Dikovic said, calling the cadets of the Military Academy, which will soon be assigned to the first command positions, "the flowers of Serbia".
The Chief of General Staff said that the defence system must at all times be ready to respond to security threats in the region, and that only
- There are no good or bad soldiers, they can only be commanding officers, and everyone wants to follow the daring and courageous ones having the virtue that protects them from all that is bad, the Chief of General Staff said, adding that the cadets, after the promotion, "at which the whole world will watch them with admiration", and their introduction to the first officer's rank, will be able to serve in one of the most honourable callings.
General Dikovic advised the male and female cadets to constantly invest in themselves, and that in doing so they would never go wrong.
Future officers were also addressed by former cadets, the best in their classes, now the young officers of the Serbian Armed Forces, who shared with their colleagues their experience and practical advice and answers to temptations ahead of them at first officer’s duties, as well as the most effective ways to implement in practice the knowledge acquired during studying at the Military Academy.
The talks with cadets of the 137th class were also attended by Major General Goran Zekovic, Commandant of the Military Academy and Brigadier General Stojan Konjikovac, Chief of Human Resources Department of the General Staff.