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General Dikovic visits joint military and police forces

Major General Zelimir Glisovic, Joint Forces Commander, briefed the Chief of General Staff of the current performance of tasks on preventing the illegal border crossings of migrants to the territory of the Republic of Serbia and the disabling of smuggling, as well as the conditions in which the by members of the joint military and police forces work.
General Dikovic commended all members of the Serbian Armed Forces of and the Ministry of Interior for responsible and professional joint work.
- No other structure apart from the military and police would be able to perform these tasks so professionally, competently and responsibly. So it is now, so it will be whenever you our Serbia needs it, General Dikovic said.

Addressing the mixed forces engaged on the former border watchtowers, general Dikovic said that the members of the military and police are on a mission that is of national importance.
- I am glad to see that the military and the police work together as a team. You managed in a short time to get well organized and secure the state border from illegal crossings of migrants into our territory, General Dikovic added.
In the wider region of Zajecar and Knjazevac, the Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces was briefed about the situation on the ground and the situation in the units that perform tasks on State Border Protection by the commanders of the units engaged.

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