Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

The Day of the Second Army Brigade marked

In the "Ribnica" barracks in Kraljevo, a ceremony was held on the occasion of the Day of the Second Army Brigade – 12 July. The ceremony was attended by Colonel Vladeta Baltic, Acting Chief of Staff of the Army Command, commanders of Army brigades, Predrag Terzic, Mayor of Kraljevo, Justin, Bishop of Zica, with the clergy, representatives of the Islamic religious community, Ministry of Interior, veterans' associations and other guests.

Colonel Zeljko Kuzmanovic, Acting Commander of the Second Brigade, reminded that the brigade celebrates its holiday on 12th July to commemorate the victory over the Turks won by Serbian rebels led by Karadjordje in 1805, thereby liberating Karanovac – Kraljevo today.

Colonel Vladeta Baltic welcomed the guests as well as members of the Second Brigade, to whom he wished to continue achieving remarkable results in maintaining and improving the operational capabilities of the units of the brigade as they did so far.

This year, for the first time, marking their day, the members of the Second Brigade celebrated also the glory of the brigade – the Day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. In the liturgical space in the ''Ribnica'' barracks, the Divine Liturgy with cutting the patron Saint’s cake, was celebrated by Bishop of Zica Mr. Justin with co-celebration of military and local clergy.

On the occasion of the celebration of the 2nd Brigade, tonight, at the plateau in front of the Military Club, in Kraljevo, Stanislav Binicki Artistic Ensemble of the Ministry of Defence will hold a concert.