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This year the University of Defence admits 270 civilian students
The accredited study programmes of the University of Defence – at the Military Academy and the Faculty of Medicine of the Military Medical Academy, have a total of 270 seats opened for civil, i.e, self-funded students in the academic 2016/2017.
The Military Academy offers undergraduate, master's and doctoral studies, and the MMA Faculty of Medicine – specialist and doctoral studies.
Tuition fee ranges from 57,000 to 180,000 dinars per year of schooling.
A number of 100 civilian students will have chance to enrol on undergraduate studies at the Military Academy with Military Mechanical Engineering, Military Electronic Engineering, Logistics Defence and Public Finance study programmes. The tuition fee for each academic year is 57,000 dinars and can be paid in five equal instalments for a year. The use of teaching literature is free, and exams, issuing diplomas, and similar certificates shall not be paid.
Tuition fee for master studies at the Military Academy is 120,000 dinars, and 81 civilian students shall be admitted to five study programmes: Management in Defence, CBRN Defence, Public Finance, Military Geodetic Engineering and Forensic Engineering.
At the doctoral studies, 16 places are open in the programmes of Public Finance, Management in Defence, CBRN Defence and Military Mechanical Engineering with tuition fee of 460,000 dinars for three-year studies.
MMA Faculty of Medicine, at seven academic specialist study programmes, opens 59 places for self-funded students, with tuition fee of 102,000 dinars. At the doctoral academic studies, at Biomedicine programme, 14 places are offered. The total tuition fee for the three-year doctoral studies is 575,000 dinars.
At present, about 200 civilian students attend the higher education units of the University of Defence. At the Military Academy, education of civilian students began at the school year 2011/2012, and the studies were completed by four students at primary and five students at master academic studies. At the MMA Faculty of Medicine, education of civilian students began in 2012/2013. The studies were completed by 10 students in the specialist studies.
All information on enrolment, programmes and tuition fees can be found on the websites of the Military Academy – www.va.mod.gov.rs and the MMA Faculty of Medicine – www.mfvma.mod.gov.rs.
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