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New issue of "ODBRANA"
The Guard has always had the privilege of choosing for its composition among the best officers, NCOs and soldiers, but being aware of the obligation that this right entails an obligation to have high results and execution of tasks. It justifies the task only when those best ones it obtained remain the best in their further work and advancement. This means constant, hard work, high standards, strong morale and internal human cohesion. And this is encouraged and achieved by personal example. When there is a complete personality in front of the lines, the soldiers have someone to follow, Major General MilomirTodorovic, Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Guard, says in his interview to "Odbrana". In the new issue of the military magazine you can read about the security of air traffic, geostrategic position of Serbia, and, perhaps, find the answer to the question whether there is a future for the European Union.

IN FOCUS – Celebration on the occasion of the Serbian Armed Forces Day and the Victory Day in Zrenjanin: OATH TO THE HOMELAND – BEHEST TO THE ANCESTRY
TOPIC - Safety of air traffic: ALL IS REDUCED TO THE HUMAN
DEFENCE - Side by side with other peacekeeping centres: QUALITY CERTIFICATE
Service Dog Handlers Platoon of the 5th Military Police Battalion: TWO DECADES OF EXPERIENCE
General Logistics Company of the Third Brigade: PRECONDITION OF THE MILITARY EVERYDAY LIFE
Association of the Retired Non-Commissioned Officers of Serbia in Nis: FIGHT FOR THE ACQUIRED RIGHTS
VIEWS - Position of Serbia in contemporary geostrategic conditions: ON THE THRESHOLD OF THE COLD WAR
ARSENAL – New export offer of tanks from China - MT-4: ALL THE ADVANTAGES OF CHINESE DRAGON
THE WORLD - The future of the European Union: IDENTITY CRISIS
CULTURE – The thirteenth Night of the Museums: WORKSHOP FOR THE SOUL
FEUILLETON- Creation and operation of the SA and SS detachments: HITLER’S GRIM REAPERS
HISTORY - The fortifications in Serbia - an ancient Kruševac: HARD CASTLE OF PRINCE LAZAR
SPORT – Corporal SrdjanRistic ready for Guinness: I AM ACCEPTING THE CHALLENGE
SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT - Propaganda of the Government of National Salvation: SERBIA UNDER THE AUSPICES OF GERMANY
ODBRANA can be purchased at newsstands of STAMPA and FUTURA PLUS, in VOJNA KNJIGA book store in 22, Vasina St. in Belgrade at a price of RSD 100 and digital issue at www.novinarnica.net..
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