Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Honorary Salvo on the occasion of the Serbian Armed Forces Day

By order of the President of the Republic of Serbia and the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Tomislav Nikolic, the Guard of theSerbian Armed Forces fired tonight, at the Sava terrace of the Kalemegdan promenade, an honorary salvo of ten volleys from six pieces of artillery.

The honoraryartillery salvo, performed to mark 23 April – the Serbian Armed Forces Day, was attended by Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic, Serbian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff General Ljubisa Dikovic, commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Guard Brigadier General Milomir Todorovic and State Secretary at the Ministry of State Administration and Local Government Ivan Bosnjak. Many citizens who attended the honorary salvo, welcomed with applause the raising of the flag of the Republic of Serbia, and then the honorary salvofrom six artillery pieces.

The Serbian Armed Forces Daywas established to be marked on 23 April at the memory of the Palm Sunday in 1815, when Milos Obrenovic raised the Second Serbian Uprising in Takovo and thus marked the beginning of the creation of the modern Serbian state.