Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Defence Minister visited General Staff

On the occasion of the Serbian Armed Forces Day– 23 April, Minister of Defence Zoran Djordjevic addressed the members of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff in the "Banjica-2" barracks.
According to him, the Serbian Armed Forces has always cared about its citizens, and one who chooses to be its member deserves special respect.
- Being a member of it is to serve the common good, to serve ones country and be ready for the efforts and sacrifices. You are a reflection of the true value system and an example to others. The Republic of Serbia wishes to keep up with the modern world that is constantly changing and your contribution to that is immeasurable. Variable challenges, risks and threats impose the need for new responses, and you have proved that the Serbian Armed Forces is constantly improving its capabilities and is always ready to fulfil all its missions and tasks, as a reliable support to stability of Serbia and the region, Minister Djordjevic said.
He pointed out that there are still many tasks that need to be addressed in the period ahead –to work on improving the living standards of the Serbian Armed Forces, carry out manning and optimization according to the purpose and the needs of the defence system, continue to take part in missions, overhaul arms and military equipment and acquire new, modern weapons.
- We will create better working conditions. It will not be easy, but the head must be lifted, because only unified and with pure heart we can create a better future for us and our children. We will not give up because neither the heroes from Kolubara and Kaimaktsalan gave up. Do not give up because neither Sindjelic nor Tepic gave up. Move boldly forward towards a better and brighter future, proud of our history, ourselves, our army and Serbia, the Minister of Defence telling that he has always emphasized with pride and honour that he is the part of the defence system.
Serbian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff General Ljubisa Dikovic congratulated the members the Armed Forces Day and thanked the Defence Minister on his first official visit to the General Staff and the participation in the celebration of the Jubilee of the military.