Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Analysis of the logistic support of the Serbian Armed Forces

Analysis of the logistic support of the Serbian Armed Forces for 2015 was held today at the House of Guard in Topcider. The aim of the analysis, led by the Chief of the General Staff Logistics Department, Brigadier General Zeljko Ninkovic, was to assess the achieved level of competence of units and institutions of the Serbian Armed Forces in the realisation of the logistic support in the previous year.

The meeting was attended by Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubisa Dikovic, State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence Nenad Neric, Acting Assistant Minister of Defence for Material Resources Nenad Miloradovic, heads of organizational units of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces and the persons responsible for the implementation of logistical support from the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence.

As it was said on that occasion, adaptation to the conditions for the logistic support and implementation of the existing legislation led to significant improvements in filling material war reserves. Also, although the arms and military equipment are older and older from year to year and require more maintenance, their serviceability is retained at the level of previous years, or at least a significant drop in serviceability has been prevented.

During the year behind us, as it was pointed out, the infrastructure arrangement provided the serviceability and safe use of facilities and installations in military compounds in accordance with their projected purpose with partial achievement of the required standard of accommodation and training of the members of the Serbian Armed Forces, as well as accommodation and protection of moveable assets.

When it comes to multinational operations, as it was emphasized, the conditions for life and work of our members who carry out tasks in maintaining peace in the world within the framework of the UN and EU missions and the logisticians of the Serbian Armed Forces were able to present their ability to work in a multinational environment in the international exercise "LOGEX 15" organized by the Directorate for Logistics.