Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

The book "Extremism under the cover of religion" presented

Промоција књиге „Екстремизам под окриљем религије“Today, in the Atrium of the Central Military Club, Media Centre Odbrana and the Strategic Research Institute organized a presentation of the book "Extremism under the cover of religion," by Major Dr Milovan Subotic.

The book was presented by Prof. Dragan Simeunovic, Prof. Dr Stanislav Stojanovic, Colonel Dr Katarina Strbac, book editor Snezana Djokic, MSc and the author.

At the promotion, it was pointed out that such books are precious witnesses of an era and the author "plunged into the depth of the problem of extremism" and dealt with the phenomenon "which is taking alarming proportions and has devastating consequences for security."

The book by Major Dr Milovan Subotic is a current research that indicates the place of Islamist inspired extremism in the modern Islamic world, as well as its repercussions on peace and stability in the region, especially in our immediate environment.