- About MoD
Minister and Associates
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Regarding today's announcement of the Military Trade Union of Serbia in connection with appointments in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, we inform the public that the statements of the Union are inaccurate and tendentious. The Military Union of Serbia obviously does not want the things in the defence system to change for the better and does not work for the welfare of all employees. The Military Union does not criticize because it wants to change things in Serbia for the better, for it to go forward, but because it does not want to work in accordance to the law and for the responsible positions to be given to military staff without stains in their career.
The Defence Minister, in accordance with his mandate, based on personal insight into the situation in the field of military health care and a detailed analysis of potential candidates, submitted in July last year, to the competent national authority, the nomination of a candidate for appointment to the post of Chief of the Military Healthcare of the Ministry of Defence. Unfortunately, that proposal was rejected without explanation, and the Minister of Defence was asked to submit a proposal for another candidate, with which the Defence Minister disagreed because of unclear criteria.
The Minister of Defence, also in accordance with his mandate, at the end of last year submitted to the competent national authority a proposal for the appointment of a candidate as Head of the Military Medical Academy. However, this proposal was again rejected without explanation, and the Minister was asked to submit a proposal for the appointment of a particular candidate for the position. Defence Minister maintained his position and did not propose the suggested candidate.
Please note that neither of the Department of Military Healthcare nor the Military Medical Academy are part of the organizational units of the Serbian Armed Forces, but they are organizational units of the Ministry of Defence that are subordinated to the Minister of Defence.
Concerning the filling of the formation post of the Chief of the Military Police Department, the Defence Minister did not initiate the appointment because he waited for the attitude and opinion of Chief of General Staff, since the department is part of the Serbian Armed Forces. Given that the proposal of the Chief of General Staff has arrived, the Defence Minister will act in accordance with his legal mandate.
- About MoD
- Jurisdiction
- Organisation scheme
- Description of duties
- Minister and Associates
- Minister
- State Secretary
- Assistant Ministers
- Secretary of the Ministry of Defence
- Sectors
- Defence Policy Sector
- Human Resources Sector
- Material Resources Sector
- Budget and Finanance Sector
- Sector for Infrastructure and Hospitality Services
- Special Internal Units
- Secretariat
- Office of the Minister of Defence
- Military Attorney's Office
- Administrative Bodies within MoD
- Defence Inspectorate
- Military Intelligence Agency
- Military Security Agency
- Autonomous Departments
- Public Relations Department
- Military Healthcare Department
- Higher Education Institution
- Defence University
- Specific internal units
- Inspector General of the Services
- Internal Audit Section
- Documents
- Services
- Sport
- Archive
- Contacts