Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Meting of the Serbia-NATO Defence Reform Group

Састанак Групе Србија – НАТО за реформу одбранеAt the Ministry of Defence, a meeting of the Serbia - NATO Defence Reform Group (DRG) was held, in the organization of the Strategic Planning Department of the Defence Policy Sector.

The meeting was attended by military representatives of 18 countries, members of the EU, NATO and the Partnership for Peace, representatives of NATO Liaison Office in Belgrade, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The NATO delegation was led by Paul Savereux, the newly appointed Director in charge of defence planning in the NATO Directorate for Defence Policy and Planning.

The meeting focused on the degree of achieved partnership goals in the area of defence policy and planning, human resources, logistics capabilities, military healthcare and public diplomacy.