Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Cooperation between Serbia and Belarus in the field of military healthcare

A three-member delegation of the Military Healthcare System of Belarus headed by Chief of Military Medical Department Colonel Alexey Stanislavovich paid a visit to the military healthcare of Serbia.

At the Military Healthcare Department of the MoD, they were received by Deputy Chief Colonel Ugljesa Jovicic and his associates.

During the visit, the guests were acquainted with the tasks of military healthcare in Serbia, organization and functioning at levels, and with the providing of health care to the military and civilian insured, as well as other tasks important for the realization of ambulance and veterinary support for units and institutions of MoD and SAF.

During the talks, they expressed an interest in the continuation of the bilateral military medical cooperation, and the possibility of further training of the military healthcare service members of the Armed Forces of Belarus in the Military Medical Academy.

The guests visited the Military Medical Academy and the Centre of Military Medical Institutions Belgrade.