Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Youngest SAF officers promoted

Промоција најмлађих официра Војске СрбијеThe youngest lieutenants of the Serbian Armed Forces have been promoted today at a ceremony held in front of the National Assembly, and the first officer's rank will be carried by 157 male and female cadets of the 136th class of the Military Academy and 17 from the first-class of the MMA Faculty of Medicine. A special feature of this year's ceremony, which has been held in the capital for the last decade, was that, for the first time in the history of military education, the best success has been achieved by three female cadets.

Traditionally, President of the Republic of Serbia Tomislav Nikolic gave the sabres to the best in the ranking - Bojana Regodic (9.84), Jelena Pekovic (9.74) and Iva Stankovic (9.65), which had all completed the study program of Defence Logistics, finance module, and acquired the title of graduates of logistics engineering.

Промоција најмлађих официра Војске СрбијеTo the best cadets of the MMA School of Medicine, Defence Minister Bratislav Gasic gave the ceremonial daggers, and the most successful cadets of the Army and Air Force and Air Defence were awarded guns with inscription by the Chief of the General Staff General Ljubisa Dikovic.

The promotion of lieutenants was attended by state and military leadership, representatives of the diplomatic corps, religious organizations, numerous guests from the country and abroad, and many citizens, including the families and friends of the youngest cadets.

Congratulating on the first officer rank to cadets of the 136th class of the Military Academy class lined up for the last time with the title of cadets, on behalf of all citizens of Serbia, President Nikolic wished them to carry the ranks to the pride of our fatherland.
- As of today, the Serbian Armed Forces is reinforced by the latest generation of lieutenants, our daughters and sons who have chosen for their life's calling to be the honourable and selfless service to the fatherland. You, who have been children until today, with the completion of education during which you have kept and nurtured one of the most glorious educational traditions of your country, have taken the place of famous ancestors whose heroism, victories, libertarian ideas, unique military feats you are inheriting as an inexhaustible source of strength and pride. Already today, you are becoming a role model for generations yet to come, with whom you will in the future ensure us peace in a free, successful, and in every sense progressive Serbia - said President NIkolic, adding that it was up to them to leave Serbia to the following generations better than the one they inherited.

Промоција најмлађих официра Војске СрбијеAccording to the President, for 165 whole years, the Military Academy has been the best example of continued progress and prosperity, and each year it has become more modern, not allowing to be overcome by life and modern pedagogical and scientific achievements.

- Daily challenges and making of important decisions await you from the very first working day you will spend on your starting officer duties. Based on your skilfulness and knowledge acquired, it will depend how successful the execution of the given tasks will be, and at the same time it means that you will be fully responsible for the safety of people under your command. The responsibility to these people, as well as the responsibility towards Serbia as a country are the values that have been deeply implanted in your mind ​​during your education at the Military Academy, and therefore I am sure that you will know how to solve the most difficult of problems that life will place in front of you - President Nikolic said.

Speaking about the Serbian Armed Forces today, the President of the Republic said that our Armed Forces rightly has the highest trust of Промоција најмлађих официра Војске Србијеcitizens and each year the military profession is among the most desirable ones for young people in Serbia.

- Through their engagement in peacekeeping missions, investing effort for achieving world peace into several crisis points, members of our Armed Forces have earned praise from international institutions. Their presence in such places is becoming more and important and noticeable, which is of enormous importance in achieving the overall foreign policy interests of our country - President Nikolic said and told the promoted officers:
- Be brave, equally courageous, put all your knowledge, every skill into the service of the fatherland, preserve peace, freedom, contribute to the progress of Serbia and elevate its reputation in the world.

Head of the Military Academy Major General Goran Zekovic pointed out that this was a class with high average grades, which was characterized by months spent in training and in the units, numerous participations in sports competitions in the country and abroad and numerous international and public activities where they had proudly represented our army and country.

- Military Academy cadets are trained under the motto "Knowledge is our weapon" and "Honour is our property," as worthy successors of their ancestors. In the years to come, they will confirm their knowledge, personal readiness and our expectations. Dear cadets, and as of today the youngest SAF officers, be elevated and proud, ready for the challenges of military occupation, be full of heroism, but also of humanity, because “Those who dare, can, those who know no fear are moving forward! "- Head of the Military Academy stated.

According to him, the Military Academy, the educational institution of the University of Defence, with decades of tradition in education of officers for the defence of our country, had completed all the tasks this year as well.

Speaking on behalf of her colleagues in the 136th class, the best among them, Lieutenant Bojana Regodic said that the class to which she belonged on the way to the promotion to the rank of lieutenant had achieved great results.

- Serbia has shown boundless confidence together with huge honour and love to our generation. We are now assuring Serbia that we will invest all our skills and knowledge in the preservation and advancement of our fatherland Serbia - Lieutenant Regodic said.

She added that the education at the Military Academy required a lot of hard work, effort and that they would not be standing there today without the professors who had selflessly conveyed their knowledge.

- I feel great honour for the handed sabre, which is a confirmation of the work and commitment during my education. In my work, the knowledge will be my weapon, and I will carry the sabre with honour. Colleague lieutenants, I wish you all the happiness, good health and success in your career and life. I am proud to have been a part of the 136th class. Thank you – Bojana said.

Pilot Major Aleksandar Marinkovic also greeted the youngest colleagues from one of the aircraft that performed flypasts to the greater grandeur of the today's ceremony.

- Serve your people with honour and be the pride of the fatherland. Long live Serbia! - Major Marinkovic said.

With the Aviation of the Serbian Armed Forces, the Art Ensemble of the Ministry of Defence ''Stanislav Binicki'', Representative Guard Orchestra and the Ensemble "Kolo" also took part in the program of the ceremony.

At the moment when the youngest SAF officers proudly threw their caps in the air, the Markovic family, parents of Nevena Markovic from Nis, were among the first ones in line for congratulations. Tears of joy, hugs and kisses were an implicit part of the celebration, and to make this day even more special for her, Nevena’s brother Nemanja and friends Milos, Damjan and Nemanja, had prepared for this occasion T-shirts with the inscription "We are proud of you!"

Milos Bojanic from Belgrade is also one of the new officers of the Serbian Armed Forces, and he was supported at the "Promotion", in addition to parents and friends, by his sister Bojana and friend Emilija.

- Milos graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the Military Medical Academy. A sister could not be any happier than to see her brother in uniform. He has always been my role model, and this act confirms it. I'm waiting for the celebration to end, to hear his impressions about the faculty, so I can decide whether I will follow in his footsteps – Bojana said.

In addition to relatives and friends of the newly promoted SAF officers, there were many in the audience who traditionally attend this event, although they know no one in the line.

- My son Stefan begged me to come and see the soldiers marching. Since we first came three years ago, we have not missed the event- Stefan's mother Svetlana from Zemun said, while Stefan only had the time to briefly tell us - I'm waiting for the planes!