Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Guard members ready for Moscow

Members of the Guard, one of the most elite SAF units are conducting finishing preparations before their departure to Moscow, where they will ceremonially march on the Red Square with around 15 thousand Russian soldiers on 9th May in honour of the victory over fascism.

The march of echelons of the Russian Army will also be “enforced” by sub-echelons from numerous countries that took part in the battle against fascism seven decades ago.

Chief of General Staff General Ljubisa Dikovic attended today’s final preparations of members of the Guard before their departure to Moscow. The selected Guard members demonstrated the sharp marching step before the watchful eye of Chief of General Staff, who expressed his satisfaction with the level of preparedness of the men and women that will represent the Serbian Armed Forces on the Red Square, reminding them to use the two weeks spent in the Russian capital to bring their practice to perfection. He reminded the lined Guard members that it is up to them to justify the entrusted honour, because “many envy them today and would gladly take their place”.

Wishing them a safe travel to Moscow, General Dikovic expressed his belief that the Guard members will once again conduct the assigned tasks in the best possible way.

Guard Commander Brigadier General Milomir Todorovic conveyed his great gratitude for the fact that his unit was trusted with the honour of representing the Serbian Armed Forces and the Republic of Serbia during the marking of the great jubilee of the victory over fascism. He stated that the preparations had been conducted as planned and that the Guard was prepared for the Moscow parade.

The choice of candidates was far from an easy one for the superiors. Many more possess qualifications that meet the conditions, while only 75 soldiers could be chosen. The National Echelon of the Serbian Armed Forces will perform at the parade in Russia in the recognizable blue Guard uniforms and will carry semi-automatic M55/66 rifles, the uniforms and arms with which the “blue” line greets highest national and foreign state representatives. The two-week preparations, headed by Guard Battalion Commander Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Vukajlovic, took place simultaneously with the preparations for the Serbian Armed Forces Day in Takovo.

In newer history, the Serbian Armed Forces have taken part in military parades in Libya and France, and, for the first time, the Guard will include women in its lines in Russia, as two ladies will also march on the Red Square. Aside from 75 Guard members, one member of the Army, Air Forces and Air Defence, and the Training Command each will also take part, headed by Guard Battalion Commander Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Vukajlovic.

  • Guard members ready for Moscow [FLV] 
  • General Todorovic's statement [FLV] 
  • Lieutenant Colonel Vukajlovic's statement [FLV] 
  • Statement of Commissioned Officer Alekandra Misic [FLV]