Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Meeting of ministers of defence of Serbia and Armenia

Serbian Defence Minister Bratislav Gasic met Minister of Defence of Armenia Colonel General Seyran Ohanyan on the fringes of the 4th Moscow Conference on International Security.

Gasic and Ohanyan agreed that improvement of cooperation in the field of defence demands the creation of a legal framework and proposed a start of the coordination of an agreement between the Serbian and Armenian governments on defence cooperation in the future.

Gasic thanked Armenia for its support regarding the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia and efforts aimed at a peaceful resolution of problems in Kosovo-Metohija.

Bratislav Gasic stressed that Serbia, as a militarily neutral country, is striving to develop balanced international cooperation at bilateral level with all states and international factors in the East and West alike, and that accession to the EU is one of our key foreign policy goals.

In view of the significance of efforts towards preserving global peace and security, the two colleagues discussed the necessity of experience-sharing regarding engagement in multinational operations. Furthermore, they stressed that there is potential for intensified cooperation in the fields of military education and military medicine.