Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Exhibition of graphics from the collection of Gallery of Central Military Club opens

In the Small Gallery of the Central Military Club, tonight, an exhibition of graphics entitled "Reading of Lines", which is a representative selection of works from the art collection of the Central Military Club, has been opened. The opening ceremony was attended by Mr Milos Jankovic, Assistant Minister for Human Resources, and Colonel Petar Boskovic, Head of Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Defence.

The author of the exhibition is an art historian Olivera Vukotic, curator of the Gallery of the Association of Fine Artists of Serbia (ULUS) and one of the top experts on this form of fine art in our country.

Art historian Nikola Kusovac opened the exhibition, and the audience was addressed by Lieutenant Colonel Slavoljub Markovic, Director of Odbrana Media Centre and the author of the exhibition.

Olivera Vukotic pointed out that she was honoured to review hundreds of graphics from the Collection, but she also had a "cruel task” to make a narrowed choice for the exhibition.

- I rarely have the opportunity to see such gems that were shown in the exhibition display. When I looked at these graphics, and I when found myself in front of the "scattered pearls", I had to think about what to do with it and how to choose a few graphics. I was honoured to be engaged as the author of the exhibition, in this institution, and I would like to thank the hosts for their forwardness in every aspect of the job, the author said.

Nikola Kusovac spoke about the history of the Serbian graphics and its authors, and he noted that the Central Military Club, in which the exhibition was opened, was established by Branko Šotra, a graphic artist, founder of the Faculty of Applied Arts.

Lieutenant Colonel Markovic welcomed the audience and reminded of the history of the Collection, with focus on graphical part. He also presented the plan for future activities in the Central Military Club and organisation of the next exhibition activities.

The exhibition displayed 35 graphics of the renowned visual artists who marked the Yugoslav and Serbian art of the fifties, sixties and seventies of the 20th century – Bosko Karanovic, Bozidar Jakac, Djordje Andrejevic Kun, Lazar Vujaklija, France Mihelic, Branko Sotra, Emir Dragulj, Branko Miljus and others. Those who are interested can visit the exhibition until 14th June this year.

Collection of graphics of the Gallery of the Central Military Club includes about 200 works that mainly have not been exposed. It was formed mainly from the purchase of independent and group exhibitions, as well as gifts from artists who once exhibited in the gallery.

The exhibition is part of the programme in this year's "Night of Museums" event to be held on 17th May and "Museum Week" organized by the National Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) of Serbia, from 18 to 25 May. The theme of the event is "The museum collections are connecting people", which is the main feature of exhibition activities of Odbrana Media Centre and the Gallery of the Central Military Club.

At tonight's opening ceremony, Assistant Minister Milos Jankovic presented Nikola Kusovac with military commemorative medal for outstanding contribution to the defence system of the Republic of Serbia, with an explanation that as "an eminent art historian he made outstanding contribution to the professional processing of art collection of the Gallery of the Central Military Club, with about 1,500 items. Outstanding contribution is reflected in the long-term cooperation with the Central Military Club, Odbrana Media Centre and other cultural institutions in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces in organizing exhibitions, assessment, protection and preservation of artistic heritage".