Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Ministers Rodic and Glamo�i� visit flooded areas

Nebojsa Rodic and Dragan Glamocic, ministers in the caretaker government visited the municipalities of Lucani, Arilje and Pozega where flood emergency was declared.

The aim of the visit was to inspect the situation on the ground for possible involvement of the Armed Forces in aid to the population. It was concluded that, for the time being, there is no need for involvement of the Armed Forces, but they will follow the situation in order to be able to react in time and prevent more damage.

The ministers visited also the factory "Milan Blagojevic – special purpose industry" Djerac village in the municipality of Lucani, Rzav dam in Arilje and Prijanovici place in Pozega municipality. These are the places where the flood wave caused the most damage. In municipalities of Lucani, Arilje and Pozega flooded more than 1,500 hectacres of land where apart from smaller rivers, the rivers Bjelica, Rzav and Western Morava also spilled out.
After the inspection, the ministers spoke to the presidents of municipalities and members of the Crisis Staff.

In his statement for the press Minister Rodic said that the army can arrive within six hours but it needs to be informed about that on time and not now when the water has already been spilled out.

- We came here because of the people who live here, for individuals, the citizens, those who make up this country. We must not betray them. There are 12 houses, some would say: 12 houses – what's the big deal. It is nothing for a person who is in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Loznica, Vranje, but for these people it is all, Rodic said.

At the end of his visit today, Minister of Rodic inspected the former barracks "National Hero Peter Leković " in Požega to be restored by the end of the year, pointing out that it is one of the priority tasks of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces this year.