Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Visit to the bases "Jug", "Peceno brdo" and the possessed object "Sevadske livade"

State Secretary at the Ministry of Defence Zoran Djordjevic and Deputy Chief of the Serbian Army Major General Jovica Draganic visited today on the most joyous Christian holiday - Christmas , members of the Serbian Army bases in the "Jug" and "Peceno brdo," and the possessed object " Ševadske meadows " .

General Draganic said that the idea of today's visit was getting an insight into the conditions of life, work and performing tasks as well as the readiness of members of the Serbian Armed Forces to carry out duties. At these locations ways of implementing the tasks of the Fourth Brigade of the Army , as well as accommodation facilities have been shown.

The commander of the Fourth Army Brigade , Brigadier General Zoran Lubura informed the representatives of the defense system of the security situation in the security zone and the activities of the Army in this area.

Secretary of State Djordjevic , as a small token of appreciation at Christmas donated cakes to the members of the base and the possessed object

The ultimate task of the Fourth Army Brigade is to secure the administrative line with Kosovo and control of the security zone , and the remaining tasks are teaching and training commands and units for the execution of specific tasks , preparing and engaging units to assist civilian authorities in the mitigation of consequences of possible natural disasters as well as providing relief. The brigade secures the administrative line along 117 kilometers.