Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Memorial Medals for Extraordinary Results in Military Service Awarded

Today in the Guard Club "Topčider" the memorial medals have been awarded and the orders for prizes made known.

On that occasion, due to their extraordinary results in military service, the members of the enlarged board meeting of the Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces brigadier generals Predrag Simović, Dejan Janković and Milomir Todorović, colonels Željko Ninković and Stevan Kotarlić and Chief Warrant Officer Milojko Milosavljević were awarded memorial medals for extraordinary results in military service by the Minister of Defence Nebojša Rodić.

On the occasion of military holidays, the Day of Land Forces and the Day of Air Force and Air Defence, the Minister of Defence Rodić awarded the members of the Serbian Armed Forces with 243 memorial medals for extraordinary results in military service among whom there were 29 officers, 68 non-commissioned officers, 94 professional soldiers, 10 military servants and 42 military employees. In addition, on the occasion of the end of calendar year 2013 he awarded 69 members of the Serbian Armed Forces altogether among whom were also Major General Đokica Petrović and Brigadier General Milomir Todorović.

The Chief of General Staff General Ljubiša Diković on the occasion of the end of the calendar year 2013 awarded the 119 members of the Serbian Armed Forces among whom are the members of the enlarged board-meeting Major General Goran Radovanović, Brigadier Generals Goran Zeković and Dejan Janković, as well as Chief Warrant Officer Milojko Milosavljević whom he personally congratulated at today`s ceremony in Topčider.