Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Agreement on defence signed between Serbia and the Russian Federation

Defense Minister Nebojsa Rodic met today at the Palace of Serbia with his Russian counterpart, Army Gen. Sergei Shoigu Kuzugetovich . The two ministers on this occasion signed the Agreement on Cooperation in the field of defense. The meeting with high military and government delegation of the Russian Federation was attended the Serbian Army Chief General Ljubisa Diković associates.

The Minister of Defence of Serbia Nebojsa Rodic said that today avery important document in the field of defense between Serbia and Russia , which after 15 years on a new basis regulates mutual relations was signed. This, according to the Serbian Minister, is the next logical step in 2013 because in May an agreement was signed as a strategic partnership which is of strategic-political nature.

- Now we have a document on strategic- level defense cooperation. What should be noted is that the document was based on a partnership basis and that it implies continuity without any fluctuations- as minister Rodic remarked , adding that the agreement will contribute to increasing operational efficiency and functionality , mobility and overall respectability of the Army of Serbia .

- We have signed an agreement which serves as a framework document  other documents on cooperation with the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will stem from- said Rodic.

Minister Rodic thanked Minister Shoigu for his visit reminding him that it has been 14 years since the last visit of the Russian Federation Defence Minister’s to Serbia. This, as Rodic said, bespeaks of our commitment to future cooperation.

Furthermore, Minister Rodic thanked Shoigu for all he had done for the improvement of Russian- Serbian relations while in office as Minister for Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation .

The Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation Army General Sergei Shoigu Kuzugetovich said that the relations between Russia and Serbia have recently taken a new shape and a new character. He recalled that the Strategic Partnership Agreement signed by Presidents Putin and Nikolic also pertains to defense.

- Today we signed an agreement on military cooperation , with three other being under consideration the main being an agreement on military- technical cooperation - said Shoigu.

Russian minister said that today cooperation in education of Serbian Army officers in Russia, joint participation in exercises , including drills of Air Force and Air Defence was also discussed.

- We have agreed to strengthen contacts between the General Staff and expand our cooperation in all aspects of the military - said Shoigu announcing the possibility that as soon as August the following year the team of tank units of the Army of Serbia takes part in the traditional contest of tank drivers in Russia.

Shoigu stressed that a lot of work has to be done in the field of cooperation in the defense industry stating that in the last 15 to 20 years, the level of cooperation ptook a downward turn to "an indecently low levels”. He stressed that what had been agreed upon today should be implemented as soon as possible .

The visit of Russian high official will continue with a meeting with the first Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic .

  • Minister of defence Nebojsa Rodic [FLV] 
  • Reception [FLV] 
  • Minister of defence of the Russian federation army general Sergey Kuzuguetovic Shoygu [FLV] 
  • Signing of the agreement [FLV] 
  • Presenting medals [FLV]