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Day of liberation of Novi Sad marked

In front of the thousands citizens of Novi Sad the speech was held by Miloš Vučević, Mayor in which he pointed out that after Novi Sad had been liberated it started to develop rapidly being no longer a provincial town of the southern part of Austro –Hungarian Empire but it became a political, cultural and commercial capital of this part of Serbia.
The episcopes, Bački Dr. Irinej, Sremski Vasilije, Jegarski and military Porfirije have sanctified the replica of the Memorial plaque at the gate, under which the Serbian Army marched into Novi Sad in 1918, but destroyed by ustasas in 1941. “On 9th November 1918 during the reign of the King Petar I Great Liberator and under the supreme command of the Heir to the Throne Regent Aleksandar the First, the units of the victorious Serbian Army passed under this gate bringing the freedom to Vojvodina“, are the words inscribed on the memorial plaque.
- Without remembrance of those who built their lives into what we have today we cannot build the future – said Episcope Irinej.

Symbolizing the entrance of the Serbian Army the members of the brigade lined in 4 echelons, the one wearing the uniforms of the Serbian Army from the First World War, the echelon of Guard Brigade and Guard Brigade Military Orchestra, flying the regiment flag of that time and with the horseman riding at the front, followed by the applause of numerous spectators they walked the streets of Petrovaradin, from the Belgrade Gate, across the Varadinski Bridge, towards the Military Club of Serbia and marched into town. At the plateau in front of the Military Club the members of the Guard Brigade have performed, famous Egzercir, while at the Belgrade Quay the audience watched decorated ships of the River Flotilla.
The ceremony at the Belgrade Gate, during which the members of the First Brigade and River Flotilla performed a technical meeting, was attended by General Major Goran Radovanović, Deputy Commander of the Joint Operational Command, Lieutenant-General Aleksandar Živković Army Commander, brigadier generals Milomir Todorović Commander of the Guard Brigade and Stojan Batinić Commander of the First Brigade, the highest city officials and numerous guests.

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