Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

The President of the National Assembly visits Special Brigade

The President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Nebojša Stefanović has visited today the Special Brigade of the Serbian Armed Forces in Pančevo where he has been received by Army Commander Lieutenant General Aleksandar Živković.

Upon the report of the Brigade Commander Brigadier General Ilija Todorov, the President of the National Assembly was during short briefing shown “a personal identity card“ of the brigade and its units. General Todorov has familiarized Stefanović with key tasks performed by the unit and with the achieved level of operational capability. After that within the framework of tactical technical meeting he was shown the most up-to-date telecommunication and special equipment, and the armament owned by the brigade.

The President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia has attended a short presentation of combat skills of the Special Brigade members and afterwards, in automatic shooting range, by the action of counter terrorist team, has convinced himself of the high level of fire training in the unit.

At the end of the visit to the Special Brigade the President of the National Assembly Nebojša Stefanović said that this visit had assured him of the high level of training skill of the unit members.

- I had an opportunity to see in what kind of conditions the members of one in every sense elite units of the Serbian Armed Forces work. In this moment this is the best what Serbia has, the men who devoted their lives to the protection of our country and its security, emphasized Stefanović.