Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister of Defence meets Romanian Chief of Defence

Defence Minister Nebojsa Rodic talked today with Romanian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff Lieutenant General Stefan Danila on cooperation in the field of defence.

It was concluded that cooperation in the defence field follows political relations between the two countries, and that the joint military exercises are the crown of military cooperation. Both sides expressed their interest in continuing and strengthening this cooperation. They pointed out the exercise "Air Solution" which is conducted in two-year cycles, and greatly contributes to the increase in the level of operational capabilities two aviation.

The Romanian Chief of General Staff was introduced to the priorities of the Ministry of Defence when it comes to cooperation with the European Union. These are the improvement of the administrative capacities for a more active cooperation in the framework of the Common Security and Defence Policy, participation in crisis management operations and the development of joint projects with the European Defence Agency.

They welcomed the support in the area of training and education of the members of our Ministry of Defence in Romania, and proposed improvement of the military education cooperation or the possibility of education of the members of the Romanian armed forces at the Military Academy and the Military Medical Academy.

"We wish to strengthen the regional cooperation. CBRN Personnel Training Centre and South Base offer excellent opportunities for training of the Romanian Armed Forces. On the other hand, our engagement in the "Tisa" multinational battalion was of great importance, because in this way the cooperation would be reinforced in terms of assistance to the civilian population in the event of flooding", Minister Rodic pointed out.

It was concluded that good neighbourly and friendly relations between Serbia and Romania are of great importance for the region. Appreciation was expressed for the principled position of Romania on the issue of non-recognition of Kosovo and Metohia, continued support to Serbia in the process of European integration and the professionalism of the Romanian contingent in KFOR.