Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

"Summer 2013" exercise of the medical service

At the Training Centre of Medical Services, Department for Education and Research at the Military Medical Academy Sector for Military Health Care a demo exercise "Summer 2013" was carried out by members of the 4th class of candidates for officers of the medical corps. The objective of the exercise was providing first aid and care to vulnerable persons and casualties in specific situations, and in this case it was an earthquake.

On this occasion, the MMA Brigadier General Marijan Novakovic said that the candidates had prepared the exercise very well, have gained new knowledge in the management and control of medical and joint-tactical units, which will be able to apply in the management of vulnerable and injured people in emergency conditions.

- I am especially pleased that in this class of future officers the majority are female candidates, which means that we have created the conditions for the best candidates to be admitted to new posts regardless of sex - said General Novakovic showing special recognition to the training center for organizing the exercise, adding that the institution, with good reason, bears the name of regional center.

Exercise "Summer 2013" is an opportunity for future officers of the medical service to check the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the management and control over tactical medical units as well as in providing care to the injured and sick in emergency situations.