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Minister Vucic visits Italy
First Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Aleksandar Vucic met today in Rome with the President of the Italian Government Enrico Leto.
"Serbia has done everything to get a date, and she deserves to be given a date as soon as possible," stressed at the beginning of the meeting that he expected from Italy, as Serbia’s greatest friend, support and assistance in getting a date for starting EU accession negotiations while thanking Italy for its support .
Vucic and Leto talked about Italian investments, as well as bilateral cooperation, which was rated as very good. Vucic expressed satisfaction with the increase of Italian investments in Serbia.
The President of the Italian government said he would talk with the leaders of other countries in the EU as soon as possible about obtaining the date for EU accession, stressing that cooperation with Serbia in the future was one of the priorities of the Italian Government. "Italy will help Serbia not only in its economic, but also on the political path to EU," said Leto.
Vucic met with Franco Frattini, the Italian president of the Association of International Organizations (SIOI) with whom he also talked about Serbia's European integration.
Frattini said that at the meeting of the Expert Group on Foreign Affairs of the European People's Party in Brussels on 25 June would request from EU representatives that Serbia be given a date as soon as possible: "It is time for Europe to be fair to Serbia. Italy will be totally committed to helping Serbia to get a date," said Frattini.
Vucic will continue the visit with a meeting and working lunch with Defence Minister of Italy Mario Mauro.
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