Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Regional seminar on security for the media

A two-day regional seminar for representatives of press and electronic media, entitled "Write as you speak and read as it is written", was held in Ruma in organisation of the Atlantic Council of Serbia. It was supported by the UK Embassy in Belgrade and I cooperation with NATO Military Liaison Office.

The seminar is attended by the representatives of the ministries of defence and foreign affairs and the armies of the countries of the region, NATO and diplomatic missions of a number of countries that support defence reform projects of Serbian defence system and the Serbian Armed Forces.

In today's panel, the discussion was held on foreign and defence policy of Serbia and the countries in the region within the framework of the Euro-Atlantic cooperation, cooperation between Serbia and NATO within the Partnership for Peace Programme, international military cooperation in the Euro-Atlantic framework and partner programmes, initiatives and standardization.

Speaking about the partner cooperation of Serbia, Assistant Minister for Defence Policy Miroslav Jovanovic pointed out that Serbia is a partner in the security cooperation based on equality, with the aim to improve its own defence capabilities, promoting regional stability and confidence and contribution to peace efforts in the world.

- Serbia is a country in Europe – Deputy Minister Jovanovic pointed out, and that determines its orientation towards European integration, while preserving national interests, especially in Kosovo and Metohija. The basis of its defence policy is the declared military neutrality, along with development of a comprehensive partner cooperation that will contribute to its better international position and growing confidence of investors for further investments in the economy.

Jovanovic stressed the commitment of Serbia to peace processes in the world, stating that currently 113 members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces participate in eight peacekeeping operations under the auspices of the UN and the EU, and that by the end of the year the number of participants will be increased to 474. The importance of regional cooperation was confirmed also by representatives of Montenegro and Croatia, stressing their positive experiences of participation in peacekeeping missions.

On cooperation in PfP Programme and activities of the Military Section in the Mission of the Republic of Serbia to NATO, Major General Milan Mojsilovic spoke, emphasizing the importance of that cooperation for strengthening the capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces and its interoperability with the developed armies of the world. He underlined the need for good cooperation with KFOR in Kosovo and Metohija in order to preserve security, mentioning different forms of cooperation that contribute to the preservation of security in the province and on the administrative line.

In a review of partnership activities, Major General Mitar Kovac, Head of Strategic Planning Department, specifically singled out the work of Defence Reform Group that contributes through the work of its six working tables to achieving the 42 defined Partnership Goals of in the field of defence policy, human resources, logistics, developing capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces, health care and public diplomacy.

During the two-day work in the regional seminar in Ruma a number of specific issues will be discussed such as reducing the risk of corruption, standardization and codification, Serbia's participation in international military engagements, asymmetric threats, countering regional security threats, strategic and crisis communication and the role of the media in conflict, reconciliation and integration processes.