Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

About MoD

Law on Defence

The Ministry of Defence

Within its purview, the Ministry of Defence proposes and implements defence policy, implements laws and international agreements, bylaws passed by the National Assembly and Government, and the acts of the President of Republic of Serbia relating to defence.

The Ministry of Defence performs activities pertaining to the following:
  • assessment of risks and threats to security of the country;
  • drafting the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Serbia, Defence Strategy of the Republic of Serbia and the Long Term Defence System Development Plan of the Republic of Serbia, and adoption of documents for their further elaboration;
  • drafting the Doctrine of the Serbian Armed Forces ;
  • drafting Strategic Defence Review of the Republic of Serbia;
  • drafting of the Mid Term Defence System Development Plan and Program;
  • drafting annual Government report on the status of defence preparations, approved by the President of Republic of Serbia;
  • developing draft laws relating to defence, security and Serbian Armed Forces;
  • developing draft laws on ratification of international agreements in the field of defence and military cooperation;
  • preparation of platforms for negotiations and entering into international agreements in the field of defence and military cooperation, and their implementation;
  • entering into agreements in the field of military education and training for defence of the country with line ministries of other states pursuant to the law;
  • planning and implementation of international cooperation in the field of defence and military cooperation;
  • coordinating development of the Draft Plan for Defence of the Republic of Serbia, in accordance with the Government's instructions on methodology for development of defence plans, and its presentation for the Government's approval;
  • proposing guidelines for development of plans for defence and instructions concerning methodology for development of plans for defence;;
  • drafting plans for defence of other defence system forces relating to the Plan of the Use of the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • planning, preparation and control of mobilization of the citizens, state bodies, bodies of autonomous provinces, bodies of local self-government units, companies, other legal entities and entrepreneurs and the Serbian Armed Forces to perform tasks in war and emergencies;
  • producing acts and planning documents to plan measures and actions for the work of citizens, state bodies, companies, other legal entities and entrepreneurs, and for the use of the Serbian Armed Forces and other defence forces in war and emergencies;
  • execution of military, labour and material obligation;
  • execution of resolutions passed by the President of the Republic on deployment of professional military personnel to multinational operations, and resolutions of the Government on deploying civil defence personnel and government employees to humanitarian and other operations abroad;
  • planning and organizing civil-military relations relating to defence;
  • activities relating to information, culture, museum, archive and religious affairs and other activities for the requirements of defence;
  • organization, modernization and promotion of telecommunication networks and assets, and crypto-protection for the requirements of the Serbian Armed Forces and other state bodies;
  • harmonization of telecommunication and information provision, information and telecommunication networks and assets for defence purposes;
  • organisation and preparation of the territory for defence purposes;
  • research, development, production and trade in weapons and military equipment;
  • equipping and arming the Serbian Armed Forces and other defence forces, implementing procedures for classified procurements and material support to the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • defines procedures for low value public procurements in commands, units and installations of the Serbian Armed Forces, military units and institutions organizationally and functionally related to the Ministry of Defence;
  • planning, management, control and implementation of intelligence-security activities significant for defence, pursuant to the law governing the work of security agencies and other regulations;
  • education and training for the work on duties of defence and security of the country, planning, organization and activities of military education;
  • development of education system for the requirements of defence and the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • harmonization of the military education system and scientific research activity significant for defence with the secondary and high education system and scientific research activity in the Republic of Serbia;
  • planning, programming and development of scientific, research and innovation activities significance for defence;
  • provision of cartography and geo-topography services and production of geo-topographic material for the defence system;
  • resolving status and other issues of Serbian Armed Forces members;
  • passing acts on organization of commands, units and installations of the Serbian Armed Forces, and acts on organization of military units and installations organizationally and functionally related to the Ministry of Defence;
  • opening and closing defence attaché offices and military representations, pursuant to Government's decision on the number and distribution of defence attachés offices of the Republic of Serbia abroad;
  • establishing and organizing financial service in the Ministry of Defence, commands, units and installations of the Serbian Armed Forces, military units and military installations organizationally and functionally related to the Ministry of Defence;
  • organizing and enhancement of information system in the area of material and financial operation required for financial reporting, pursuant to adopted standards;
  • planning, programming, budgeting and execution of financial plan for the requirements of the Ministry of Defence, pursuant to the law;
  • planning, organization, execution and control of material and financial operations;
  • planning, organization, supervision and construction of military facilities, and regular maintenance of infrastructure used by the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces;
  • acquisition, disposal, use of, management and maintenance of immovable assets for military purposes, housing buildings, flats, garages, work premises for the use of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, and the buildings for temporary accommodation of professional members of the Serbian Armed Forces and employees of the Ministry of Defence;
  • acquisition, disposal, use of, management and maintenance of immovable assets used by the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces when represented abroad and in the country;
  • defining, planning, organization, implementation and control of safety and health at work, environmental protection, and fire and explosion protection  pursuant to the laws regulating these activities;
  • defining, planning, organization, implementation and control of protection of animals and health control over the production and trade in of foodstuffs and commodities used by the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces;
  • defining, planning, organization, implementation and control of metrology services, pursuant to the laws governing the activity;
  • cooperation with other ministries and other state administration bodies, bodies of autonomous provinces and bodies of local self-government units in preparation and implementation of defence plans and execution of defence tasks;
  • organization, transfer and implementation of measures for alerting, mobilization and manning state bodies, public services, bodies of local self-government units, companies, other legal entities and entrepreneurs;
  • joint civil-military system of air traffic management for defence purposes;
  • adoptions of acts on establishing military health institutions of primary, secondary and tertiary level of health care and protection;
  • other activities defined by the law.

In discharging duties from paragraph 2 of this Article, the minister of defence shall pass: orders, commands, directions, decisions, rules, guidelines, instructions, regulations and other acts under the authorities granted to him under this law and other laws. For the implementation of acts passed by the President of the Republic, and for passing acts upon authorization of the President of the Republic, the minister of defence shall pass: orders, commands, guidelines, rules and other acts and shall be responsible for their execution.

The Ministry of Defence has its sign, symbol and other insignia. At proposal of the minister of defence, the Government regulates the appearance and manner of use of the sign, symbols and other insignia, designation and other elements of visual identity of the Ministry of Defence.