- Minister and Associates
- Minister
- State secretary
- Assistant Ministers
- Office of the Minister
- Sectors
- Defence Policy Sector
- Human Resources Sector
- Material Resources Sector
- Budget and Finances Sector
- Sector for Infrastructure and Hospitality Services
- Departments and Agencies
- Military Inteligence Agency
- MIlitary Security Agency
- Military Health Department
- Public Relations Department
- Others
- Defence inspectorate
- Defence university
- Secretariat
- The Military Attorney's Office
Public Relations Department
The Public Relations Department is an independent internal unit of the Ministry of Defence and is organisationally and functionally linked to the Minister of Defence.
The department performs the following tasks: informs the public about the activities carried out within the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, collaborates with local and foreign media, plans and carries out promotional activities, develops and coordinates publishing, film-making, musical duties and multimedia production.
► Guide for media representatives
► Points of Contact
Organisational chart

The following organisational units are directly subordinate to the Public Relations Department:
- Media Centre "Odbrana"
- Military Film Centre "Zastava Film"
- Art Ensemble of the Ministry of Defence "Stanislav Binički"
- Military Printing House
Media Centre "Odbrana" performs activities relating to journalism, military publishing, photography and photographic materials archiving, graphic design and organization of events. Media Centre “Odbrana” comprises the editorial office of Odbrana Magazine, the official magazine of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, the editorial office of "Vojna knjiga", which is responsible for publishing professional military books, educational books, military science books and publications, as well as the Gallery of the Central Military Club.
The Military Film Centre “Zastava Film” performs activities relating to the production, distribution and archiving of documentary, feature, educational and animated films, as well as informative and promotional videos for the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces. Together with the Radio Television of Serbia (Serbian Broadcasting Corporation), it produces “Dozvolite…”, a TV programme aimed at informing the public about activities carried out in the defence system.
The Art Ensemble of the Ministry of Defence “Stanislav Binički” performs musical duties within the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces. It has a Symphony Orchestra, a Small Entertainment Orchestra and a Mixed Choir that give concerts and other public performances in the country and abroad.
The Military Printing House is responsible for printing books, magazines and forms. It also produces office supplies and other printed material needed by the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces.
Public Relations Department, Ministry of Defence, Republic of Serbia
5 Birčaninova Street, 11000 Belgrade,
Phone: + 381 11 3203 015
Fax: + 381 11 3203 466
Website: www.mod.gov.rs
E-mail: info@mod.gov.rs
Head of Public Relations Department
Brigadier General Asst. Prof. Mihailo Zogović, Ph.D.
Phone: + 381 11 3203 015
Fax: + 381 11 3203 466
E-mail: info@mod.gov.rs
Communications Team
Working hours: 08.30 a.m. - 04.30 p.m. (workdays)
Faks: + 381 11 3203 466
E-mail.: info@mod.gov.rs
- Minister
- State secretary
- Assistant Ministers
- Office of the Minister
- Defence Policy Sector
- Human Resources Sector
- Material Resources Sector
- Budget and Finances Sector
- Sector for Infrastructure and Hospitality Services
- Military Inteligence Agency
- MIlitary Security Agency
- Military Health Department
- Public Relations Department
- Defence inspectorate
- Defence university
- Secretariat
- The Military Attorney's Office