- Minister and Associates
- Minister
- State secretary
- Assistant Ministers
- Office of the Minister
- Sectors
- Defence Policy Sector
- Human Resources Sector
- Material Resources Sector
- Budget and Finances Sector
- Sector for Infrastructure and Hospitality Services
- Departments and Agencies
- Military Inteligence Agency
- MIlitary Security Agency
- Military Health Department
- Public Relations Department
- Others
- Defence inspectorate
- Defence university
- Secretariat
- The Military Attorney's Office
Material Resources Sector
Material Resources Sector is one of the principal inner units of the Ministry of Defence responsible for research, development, production development, arms and military equipment general overhaul and sales, standardization, codification and metrology, provision of arms and military equipment; management of companies within the Serbian Defence Industry Group, expansion of Serbia’s defence technological and industrial base; equipping and arming the Serbian Armed Forces and other defence forces; initiating procedures for the procurement of movables for the members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces; sale of arms and military equipment of higher value that have been declared redundant or obsolete; planning and monitoring the execution of research activities in the field of weapons and military equipment and defence technology.

Material Resources Sector consists of the following subordinate inner units:
- Defence Technologies Department,
- General Logistics Department
- Procurement and Sales Department
General Logistics Department is responsible for planning and organizing food service, water supply, energy supply and the provision of clothing in the defence system, quality control of quartermaster material assets produced and procured for the defence system, normative regulation and improvement of the defence resources protection system.
Uniform Supply Centre “Voždovac” is directly subordinate to the Head of the General Logistics Department.
Defence Technologies Department is responsible for planning and organizing scientific research activities in the field of defence technologies, materiel development projects, development of materiel research capabilities, production of assets, and the development of technologies for the production and maintenance of materiel. It also plans and organizes the development of research capabilities, the development, production and maintenance of materiel and spare parts necessary for the maintenance of materiel.
The following organizational units are subordinate to the Head of the Defence Technologies Department:
Military Technical Institute,
Тechnical Overhaul Institute "National Hero Đurđe Dimitrijević-Đura" and
Directorate for Standardization, Codification and Metrology.
Military Technical Institute is responsible for the research and development of new materiel and the modernization of the existing one, carrying out scientific and professional work, personnel training, providing professional assistance to units and institutions of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, providing expertise on defence patents, as well as commercial services to users at home and abroad.
Technical Overhaul Institute “NH Đurđe Dimitrijević – Đura“ performs activities related to the production and provision of services, overhaul, maintenance and demilitarization of explosive ordnance and the production of devices and tools for the maintenance of ordnance.
Directorate for Standardization, Codification and Metrology performs activities related to planning, organization, establishment, coordination and improvement of activities in the field of standardization, codification and metrology, issuing systematic work instructions and development of standardization, codification and metrology methods and techniques.
The Procurement and Sales Department performs tasks related to normative activity in the domain of procurement in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, drafts procurement plans and implements them, plans and organizes tasks related to the procurement of goods and services and the sale of movable assets for the needs of users in the MoD and the Serbian Armed Forces, organizes and carries out the sale of surplus materiel, as well as other activities in the field of procurement and sale for the needs of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces.
Head of Sector
Assistant Minister of Defence for Material Resources
Nenad Miloradović, Ph.D.
- Minister
- State secretary
- Assistant Ministers
- Office of the Minister
- Defence Policy Sector
- Human Resources Sector
- Material Resources Sector
- Budget and Finances Sector
- Sector for Infrastructure and Hospitality Services
- Military Inteligence Agency
- MIlitary Security Agency
- Military Health Department
- Public Relations Department
- Defence inspectorate
- Defence university
- Secretariat
- The Military Attorney's Office