Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Agreements in codification signed

Representatives of the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Codification of the Defense Technologies Department, of the Sector for Materiel Resources participated in the 102nd meeting of the General Committee of the Group for the codification AC/135 held from 12th to 15 November in Marrakech, Morocco.

On this occasion, at the sidelines of the meeting two bilateral agreements in the field of codification between the Serbian Ministry of Defense, and the Ministry of Great Britain and France were signed. This allows the Serbian defense industry products to be recognized in the NATO codification system, thus achieving a high level of logistical support, especially support to declared units in peacekeeping missions.

The Republic of Serbia in August filed AC/135 Committee to be admitted to a higher degree of sponsored membership the so-called Tier -2. This will be in addition to Russia and Brazil become the tenth non-NATO country to independently perform codification of weapons produced in the country. Previously, the self-determination of the requirement of at least 100 NATO storage numbers for weapons and military equipment manufactured in Serbia, while bilateral agreements required by the codification of the six countries were signed.

In the first quarter of next year National Codification Center of Serbia is expected to be tested which will be conducted by the said committee and the national codification bureaus of USA, France and Bulgaria. This will complete the two-year effort to implement NATO codification system.