Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

SAF CHOD LTG Dikovic visited the Military Technical Institute

Serbian Army Chief of Staff Lieutenant-General Ljubisa Dikovic with members of the extended Collegium visited the Military Technical Institute in Zarkovo. The visit was attended by Assistant Minister for Material Resources Ilija Pilipovic.

After a welcome address by the Director of the Military Technical Institute (VTI) Colonel Zoran Rajic, representatives of General Staff visited several departments and laboratories of the Institute. The guests were presented the capacities of the trisonic aerial tunnel and T-38 subsonic aerial tunnel T-35 in the Department of Experimental Aerodynamics, then they visited the laboratory for textile, leather and footwear sector in the materials and protection, while the current projects - the armament and military equipment – on which the Military Technical Instituteis working on at the moment, were presented to them in an assembly.

After the tour Colonel Zoran Rajic gave a presentation on the overall capacities of the Institute. The present were then addressed by Assistant Minister for Material Resources Ilija Pilipovic, who in his speech emphasized the importance of cooperation between the Serbian Army General Staff and the Military Technical Institute.

Further on during the visit, Major General doc. Dr. Danko Jovanovic, Head of Logistics, prof. Mitar Kovac, Head of Planning and Development and Radivoj Vukobradovic, Chief of Telecommunications and Informatics shared their impressions with the present.

At the end of the visit, the Serbian Army Chief of Staff Lieutenant-General Ljubisa Dikovic gave an expose. He pointed out that defense system and this country need VTI, because, he said, the Army and the defense cannot succeed without the development of military research and science.

He noted with satisfaction that VTI had made progress in every sense - both organizational and technical - and that its management has a clear vision.

- I expect you to strengthen the army, to supply it with the equipment it objectively needs and to make sure that today we have an army that would know to use everything in the best possible way, of course, hoping that this armaments may never be used in practice. We have a good army, good officers, we have a good system, we are set on the right track towards progress, but our Military Technical Institute is also very good, said general Dikovic.