Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Sutanovac meets with the ''defense minister''

Defense Minister Dragan Sutanovac received Darko Stanic, the goal keeper of our national handball team, which has just won a silver medal in a recently finished European Championship and congratulated him on being declared the best goalkeeper of the championship.

Our fans have proclaimed Darko for "defense minister" because of his outstanding defense skills and contributions to this unprecedented success of our handball team, which was the occasion of his meeting with Minister Sutanovac.

The shirt in camouflage pattern bearing number one, which was presented to darko Stanc by Dragan Sutanovac, the minister defense, reads "Darko Stanic - Minister of Defense."

- I am honored by being received by Minister Sutanovac and I am pleased that our state officials unreservedly support our sport. I saw a couple of days in the press that Sutanovac, during his visit to Italy, said that our athletes who won medals all over the world are our best ambassadors, thus proving what Serbia wants to be- Darko Stanic said after meeting with Minister Sutanovac.

Darko was particularly pleased that, together with the Minister he visited the Military Academy where he spoke with male and female cadets, and then they all together went into the gun shooting alley.

- I did not expect such good results, which was excellent, but I secretly hoped that I was better than minister. But when we compared the targets, it turned out he was better, because all of his hits were in the black circle.

Darko says he was pleased that the meeting had proceeded in a relaxed atmosphere where he shared the joy for the success of our team, he says, and a well organized championship in Serbia.

- Thanks to the audience which cheered all the time and helped to achieve a result that we all secretly wished in our hearts. And because of my defense skills I was even credited with a name "minister of defense," which does me great honor because I was able to stand right next to the minister himself, Mr. Sutanovac, whom I thank for the reception.

Darko Stanic today traveled to Skopje, where he has a regular practice in his team "Metallurg", which this year placed among the 16 best handball teams in Europe. After "Lovcen" and "Red Star", and later the Swiss "Grasshoppers" and Slovenian "Cimos Koper," Darko continues his successful international career in the Macedonian team, but as he says, the Serbian team always comes first.