Minister of Defence visits River Flotilla members
As part of his regular and planned tour of the Serbian Armed Forces units, Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić visited today members of the River Flotilla stationed at the Aleksandar Berić Barracks in Novi Sad.

Minister Gašić spoke with the members of the River Flotilla about their living and working conditions and the challenges they face, wanting to hear directly from them proposals relating to infrastructure improvement, staffing and the execution of the unit’s tasks.

- The members of the River Flotilla have proven to me that they love their uniform and their unit badge, that they are dedicated to their flotilla and ready to carry out all the tasks assigned to them. They are always there for their people, and they have proven this in countless situations where they made life easier for the citizens, for example, by setting up pontoon bridges. We will make significant investments in the River Flotilla. We will continue to work on improving their status and creating better working conditions for the members of this unit - said Minister Gašić, who also visited the unit’s memorial room and the display of weapons and military equipment at the barracks.

The Minister of Defence also visited the special purpose inland watercraft Kozara, where the ship’s history, purpose and characteristics were presented to him, and then he watched the river units’ display of capabilities, featuring the ship crew’s response to battle alert, emergency movement, falling in formation and movement down the river. In addition to Kozara, multi-role inland watercraft, a landing ship and a patrol ship also took part in the display.


The tour