Speed, precision, destructive power of modernized Oganj
The adoption of digitized M-17 Oganj multiple rocket launchers, alongside 128 mm M-18 and M-19 rockets, has greatly improved the ability of the Serbian artillery to provide reliable, swift and accurate fire support to units on operations.

The system has entered service at the Army artillery battalions. Professional battalion members undergo daily training, and the experiences in exploiting the system have been quite positive so far. Battery, which is the basic unit, comprises a command and reconnaissance vehicle, a universal mobile artillery computer station and six launchers.
The commander of the headquarters platoon in a battalion of the Second Army Brigade based in Valjevo, Second Lieutenant Anica Mirković, presented the command vehicle, which is used for collecting reconnaissance data about a target, which, after being processed, is sent to the computers section and is used to compute firing data. — It has greatly facilitated the work of soldiers and fewer errors and problems occur while moving the command to the firing position - Second Lieutenant Mirković explains.
According to the squad leader, Sergeant Predrag Jakovljević, the modernization of Oganj involved the integration of state-of-the-art telecommunications and positioning systems, which has greatly facilitated the work of crews, accelerated firing and simplified displacement.

Corporal Goran Jokić, who is responsible for the upkeep of sighting sets and the calculation of firing data, says that thanks to the modernization of Oganj, his job has been made easier and the time to engage a target has been reduced.
— I am a gunner, so my job is extremely responsible. Success on the battlefield requires the involvement of the entire crew, and only if we work as a team can we successfully complete the task - say Corporal Jokić.

— My working day starts at 7 a.m., when we get our hand weapons and equipment and go out for morning inspection. After this, we have six classes where we train on various combat equipment. Then we have physical training, after which we clean our weapons and equipment and go home. Between the second and third classes we have a half-hour break, it is the best part of the day when I hang out with my co-workers. Team work is the most important thing in artillery, we have a rule that a battery is as fast as its slowest member - Corporal Pavić explains.