Congratulatory message from the President of the Republic, Aleksandar Vučić, on 4th December - the Veterans' Day
President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vučić, sent a congratulatory message on the occasion of 4th December - the Veterans’ Day, which reads:
“I extend my sincere congratulations to all military veterans as they celebrate 4th December - the Veterans’ Day.
You inherit more than a century long tradition of the old warriors of the Serbian Army, the tradition of those who wrote our national history, the history of our Serbia, which many try to change, but fail, because there is one truth and countless confirmations in favour of that one and only truth - a just, patriotic fight for one’s own country, one’s homeland, one’s own roots and one’s own place.
Our fighters, heroes and heroines have won throughout the centuries for us stand on our own feet like other people. Let us not forget. Let us remember both the known and the unknown, who sacrificed themselves for their country, for their state, for our free Republic of Serbia, its integrity and its identity. Even those unknown have a name, and that is patriotism, that is love, that is the homeland Serbia.
Dear military veterans, you are a role model for the generations that will inherit you respecting the greatest human values that you possess, who admire your courage and who are proud of our state symbols: the Nemanjićs’ coat of arms and the tricolor flag, for the generations that sing our anthem with dignity and with their heads held high and believe in the unity and harmony of the Serbian people and citizens of Serbia. It is in our roots to learn from the examples of the past, but with our eyes on the future and in the constant pursuit of prosperity, development and progress of our state.
Our task is not to forget a single victim, not a single life given, not to forget the families of our veterans, but that the families of veterans know that they can always rely on their country and count on it.
I congratulate you on your holiday, deeply convinced that the members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces will, with their heads held high, carry out their assigned tasks with dignity, courage and professionalism with the full support of the state, our greatest sacred place – the Republic of Serbia”.