Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

International course on ionizing radiation

А course on the detection, dosimetry and protection against ionizing radiation is being held this week at the CBRN Training Centre in Kruševac. Members of armed forces from eight countries are attending the course.
The course aims to train the CBRN personnel from the armed forces of Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Italy, Hungary, the United States of America, Slovenia and Spain to perform their tasks while being exposed to ionizing radiation.

The five-day course includes classes in specialized labs, as well as practical lessons in handling detection and dosimetry equipment, measuring and determining the sources of ionizing radiation, evaluating the effect of radiation on biological systems and taking basic protective measures.
This international course is being delivered by certified CBRN Training Centre instructors and visiting lecturers from the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Science and the Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate.  

This and similar international courses offered by the CBRN Training Centre help personnel from different armed forces to exchange experiences, further improve the Serbian Armed Forces’ training programmes in this field, and strengthen the military-to-military cooperation with partner states.