Press Release
Members of the Serbian Armed Forces’ contingents deployed with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) and the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) in the Middle East are fine and have not been in immediate danger so far. They have been provided with the essentials necessary for living and working amid the deteriorating security situation in mission areas.
The security situation is continuously monitored and measures are taken to prevent threats to the safety of Serbian personnel, as needed. The restriction of movement is in force for mission personnel, and they are instructed to stay in shelters and use ballistic protection in accordance with operational procedures.
The current situation in the two aforementioned mission areas is complex and unstable, due to intense conflicts between the Israel Defence Forces and Hezbollah.
In order to be able to monitor the situation daily and plan activities for the upcoming period, the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff is in constant contact with the Senior National Representative of the Serbian Armed Forces in the Republic of Lebanon and the defence staffs of the Spanish and Italian armed forces, which are the leading nations within the sectors where our members are deployed.