Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Scientific Conference on Defence Technology – OTEH 2024 opened

The International Scientific Conference on Defence Technologies – OTEH 2024, organized by the Military Technical Institute and the Defence Technologies Department, Material Resources Sector, was officially opened today on Mt. Tara.
In his opening speech, Head of the Defence Technologies Department Brig. Gen. Slavko Rakić welcomed the participants and pointed out that OTEH was a convenient platform for maintaining and establishing new cooperation between representatives of domestic and foreign research and development, scientific, educational and manufacturing institutions.

- Making new acquaintances, exchanging new knowledge, experiences and skills, making a more realistic assessment of one's own scientific results compared to others’, and making further advances are just some of the benefits for the participants of this meeting. With your presence, you contribute to the development and strengthening of technologies in certain defence areas, thus providing tremendous support to the freedom-loving people in their efforts to preserve peace and freedom - said General Rakić.
  According to him, the Military Technical Institute, which is the largest research and development institution in the Ministry of Defence, will continue to play an important part in the process aiming to develop and equip the Serbian Armed Forces with modern domestically produced weapons and military equipment.
- The Ministry of Defence will strive to continue the positive trend towards investing in research and development projects, to strengthen employee potential in research and development, to invest in material assets, devoting particular efforts to improving the infrastructure and laboratories used for IT and artificial intelligence, as well as to continue to expand and improve the cooperation between our research and development institutions and similar defence and civilian institutions, at the regional and global levels - stressed General Rakić.

The acting director of the Military Technical Institute, Colonel Ivan Pokrajac, Ph.D., also addressed the audience, emphasizing that the large number of conference papers submitted is proof that OTEH is an important conference for the exchange of knowledge, ideas and innovations in the field of defence technology.
  - Years of existence and the quality of conference papers presented have led to OTEH becoming a recognizable gathering place for scientists, researchers, engineers and constructors, where they can present scientific achievements and exchange ideas and experiences - said Colonel Pokrajac.
The introductory lecture about the famous physicist, chemist and academician Pavlo Savić, to whom this year's OTEH is dedicated, was delivered by Vladimir Cizelja, Ph.D.

The opening ceremony for the OTEH 2024 Conference was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, the Serbian Armed Forces’ overhaul institutes, representatives of Serbian defence industry factories and numerous institutions and establishments from Serbia and abroad.
  As part of the OTEH 2024 Conference, organized by the Material Resources Sector, a special round table discussion was held today on the modernization of the defence industry as part of the Serbian Armed Forces modernization process.
During the round table discussion, representatives of the Ministry of Defence, the Serbian Armed Forces and defence industry factories analysed the results achieved so far, as well as the role and potential of the defence industry in strengthening the capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces through the process of equipping them with new domestically developed and produced weapons and military equipment.
  The round table discussion was attended by the Head of the Defence Technologies Department, Ministry of Defence, Brigadier General Slavko Rakić, Ph.D., and the Head of the Equipment and Development Department (J-5), Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, Brigadier General Milan Popović.
The Scientific Conference on Defence Technologies – OTEH is held every other year. The first OTEH, entitled Defence Technologies at the Service of Peace, was held at the Military Academy in 2005.