Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Telecommunication Service Day, Signal Brigade Day celebrated

The Signal Brigade and the Telecommunications Service have commemorated September 20, the day when the Military Telegraph Decree was passed in 1916, laying the foundations for the establishment of signals in the Serbian army.
  Military ceremonies were held in Serbian Armed Forces commands and units, where the past year’s results were summarized and awards were presented to the most deserving telecommunications and signal officers, NCOs, professional soldiers and civilians.

The overview of the results achieved indicated that the members of the Telecommunications Service had carried out all their tasks successfully, ensuring the proper functioning of telecommunications and IT services in the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces.
The execution of those tasks and continuous modernization of the telecommunication and IT system have had a positive impact on the operational capabilities of the units, shortening the time needed for making and transmitting decisions, ensuring efficient planning and execution of SAF operations and enhancing command capabilities.
  To honour the fallen members of signal units who had laid down their lives defending our homeland, wreaths were laid near the memorials dedicated to them.