Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Citizens show great interest in “Flag 2024”

A large number of visitors attended today’s demonstration of the Serbian Armed Forces’ capabilities “Flag 2024” at the Colonel-Pilot Milenko Pavlović military airport in Batajnica.
The demonstration involved more than 6,000 members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, about 2,500 pieces of arms and military equipment and more than 50 aircraft.
The visitors could see state-of-the-art weapons and military equipment the Serbian Armed Forces are equipped with, as well as some of the assets that are being developed by domestic defence industry companies.

All visitors, the youngest ones in particular, enjoyed the demonstration of capabilities of the Air Force and Air Defence and Special Forces equipped with state-of-the-art weapons and military equipment, as well as the march-past conducted by SAF units and flyovers conducted by aircraft flying in echelons.
  Dragan Zeljkov has come to the military airport from Novi Sad to support his son, who is in the military, and to see the equipment and capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces.
- This is my first time visiting this kind of event. I can see that everything has been modernized: the artillery, aviation. Everything is quite different from what it used to be when I served in the military, everything is more modern – service members are better trained, they have different, upgraded weapons, so everything is better - says Dragan.

Slavko Rumić has come to the "Flag 2024" capabilities demonstration from Subotica, and he has brought his two sons with him.
- I am here today because of my two sons. They are old enough to register for service, or if mandatory military service is introduced, this is a good opportunity for them to see what awaits them - says Slavko, adding that they are particularly interested in the Special Forces’ capabilities demonstration, as well as the air show.
  Aleksandar from Batajnica has expressed his delight at this year’s capabilities demonstration, saying that the event is getting better every year.
- The display is five times better than the previous one. It is better organized, better conducted, I am delighted. I am here with my son, this is his second military display, and we are really thrilled. It is easier to approach machines and helicopters than at the last display, it's really phenomenal – says Aleksandar, adding that his son is especially interested in planes.
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Citizens' statements