Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Members of Military Academy at Čivija Half Marathon

Members of the Military Academy provided support to the City of Šabac in organizing the Čivija Half Marathon, which was held today in that city. The half marathon was co-organized by the Sports Association "Fury Runner" and the Šabac Tourist Organization.
  Before the start of the half marathon, the Commandant of the Military Academy, Colonel Srđan Blagojević, Ph.D., and Lieutenant Colonel Dalibor Novaković met with the mayor of Šabac, Aleksandar Pajić, Ph.D., and the president of the City Assembly, Nemanja Pajić, in the Town Hall.

At the meeting, they discussed connecting young people through sports and promoting the Military Academy and military schools in Šabac.
The Mayor of Šabac said he was glad that more and more citizens of Šabac were graduating from military schools as highly educated and professional military personnel, ready for their role and tasks in the security and defence system of the Republic of Serbia.

Colonel Blagojević gave a speech at the half marathon’s opening ceremony. According to him, the Military Academy actively supports the organization of this significant event, showing its determination to promote military service to the youngest generations as well.
Working as volunteers along the half-marathon route, the students of the Military Grammar School and "1300 Corporals" Secondary Vocational Military School showed good military discipline and commitment, actively participating and greatly contributing to the success of this sports event, and thus represented the Defence University, the Military Academy and their schools in the best possible way.

At today’s event, members of the Military Academy promoted the military profession, education and sport. At special stands, visitors could get information about military schools and military profession. Military Academy professors, cadets and students gave interested visitors information about study programmes at the Military Academy and military high schools, methods of enrolment and application deadline, as well as about the military schools’ accommodation and sports facilities.
This year's promoter of the Čivija Half Marathon was Sergeant Đuro Borbelj, a member of the Military Academy’s Sports Unit, Serbia’s three-time marathon, half marathon and ten-kilometre road race champion, who took second place today, running the 21 km half marathon in 1 hour 14 minutes and 35 minutes seconds.