Graduation ceremony for Secondary Vocational Military School’s 51st class
A ceremony to celebrate the 51st class’s graduation from the “1300 Corporals” Secondary Vocational Military School and their promotion to their first NCO rank was held today at the Military Academy.

In his address, the rector of the Defence University said that “the sixth generation of non-commissioned officers, who have successfully completed their four-year training at the "1300 Corporals" Secondary Vocation Military School, is standing in formation today”.

Addressing the youngest NCOs of the Serbian Armed Forces, General Đorović said that the Secondary Vocational Military School “has armed them with knowledge and skills, but has also built their morals”.

On this occasion, State Secretary Jelić presented awards to the best students in the 51st class - Pavlo Jakić (GPA 4.85), who has completed the Electronic Warfare Study Programme, Katarina Mihajlović (GPA 4.72), Aviation Technology Study Programme and Milica Cvetković (4.72), Telecommunications and IT Study Programme.

- Make sure to selflessly transfer the knowledge and skills you have acquired during your training to your younger colleagues and soldiers and improve your knowledge. Learn from the older and more experienced co-workers, obey your superiors and be their support. Make sure to be cooperative and devoted to your units and to strengthen your collectives. Congratulations to you on successfully completing your education. Be proud to have chosen an honourable and responsible calling - said the principal of the Secondary Vocational Military School.
Pavle Jakić addressed the audience on behalf of the 51st class. He said that during their education, his generation “did not only learn how to be non-commissioned officers of the Serbian Armed Forces, but also how to become exemplary students, respectable citizens and good people”.