Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Meeting with Commander of JFC Naples

The Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, spoke today with the Commander of JFC Naples, Admiral Stuart B. Munsch, as part of the latter’s visit to the Republic of Serbia.
  The meeting discussed the extent of cooperation between the Serbian Armed Forces and JFC Naples and prospects for future collaborations, as well as the current security situation in the region and the world, with an emphasis on the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, since this command has the jurisdiction over the international force in the Province.
At the meeting, it was pointed out that the Serbian Armed Forces were a trustworthy partner in the established cooperation mechanisms and that military neutrality of the Republic of Serbia was fully respected. The cooperation itself was assessed as constructive, useful and professional. The two officials agreed that both sides were interested in continuing cooperation in the areas of mutual interest, stressing that this approach had so far contributed to the preservation of regional peace and stability.
General Mojsilović expressed particular concern about the unilateral and goal-directed moves by the provisional institutions of self-government in Priština, threatening the security of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija, and underlined the role of the international force in the Province.
  According to the Chief of the General Staff, our side views KFOR as the key security actor in the Province, whose primary task derives from UNSC Resolution 1244 and all signed agreements. Since KFOR is under the jurisdiction of JFC Naples, he expressed his expectation that this command would take measures to create a safe environment in the Province for everyone, and, above all, for the citizens of Serbian nationality.
As part of his visit to the Republic of Serbia, Admiral Munsch was received by Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić earlier today.

mp4 (44,04 MB)
The meeting